Dry Eye Disease
Eye care of Southwest Florida is proud to be the first in Naples to offer the newest most advanced FDA approved technology for the treatment of Dry Eye Disease – MiBo Thermoflo (MiBoFlo).
For those who suffer from red, burning, stinging, aching, and watering eyes, MiBoFlo offers comfortable, immediate relief naturally with long-lasting results.
Why MiBoFlo?
Not only is MiBoFlo the most effective way to solve the root cause of dry eye, it is the only solution providing immediate results. The MiBoFlo treatment has a 98% satisfaction rate for the relief of dry eye.
Dry Eye Disease
To understand how MiBoFlo works, it helps to understand what causes Dry Eye Disease. Dry eye becomes a diagnosis when tear glands stop producing the oil, mucus, and water needed to properly lubricate the eyes. Those glands try to produce quality tears, but with clogged and sometimes scarred glands, all that escapes is water. Extended use of smartphones, tablets, and computers is the most common cause of dry eye; it is becoming a problem in younger and younger patients. Now, there is a simple solution!
What is MiBoFlo?
MiBoFlo provides continuous controlled heat that is applied to the eyelids using a specialized gel that transfers the heat to the blocked meibomian glands. In a spa-like setting, a trained technician gently massages the eyelids with the wand to melt and release deep-rooted clogging. When the 20-30 minute treatment is finished, eyes that once felt sticky, gritty, and aggravated feel smooth as glass and comfortable. After the first treatment, patients amazed by how different their eyes feel, typically say, “I didn’t realize how bad my eyes were feeling until now! What a huge relief!”
Is MiBoFlo Right For Everybody?
Yes! If irritation and dry eye symptoms are changing a person’s ability to function, an eye exam to test for dry eye is the first step. If diagnosed, MiBoFlo can reverse the symptoms and eliminate dry eye damage for a more comfortable life. To get the best results, several treatments are needed within 6 weeks, then MiBoFlo can be enjoyed as needed.
For a more in-depth information or to schedule an appointment email, text or call our office.