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New Technology

Optovue OCT: Where Technology Meets Eye Health

Optovue’s research, product development, and clinical teams are dedicated to developing technology that helps doctors manage treatment options for patients suffering from ocular diseases. In just a few seconds our painless and non-invasive OCT and OCTA imaging scans can give your doctor a comprehensive view of your ocular health.

What is OCT Imaging?
This type of imaging visualizes the structures of your eye – from the front, or anterior segment, to the back, or retina. Your doctor may use OCT aid in diagnosing disease and managing your ocular health.

iWellness Exam
TheWellness scan is an easy-to-read report that displays the thickness of your retina and your ganglion cell complex as compared to a database of normal eyes. These metrics along with a high-resolution image and symmetry analysis help to identify if you are displaying the early signs of retinal disease or glaucoma.

Icare Tonometer

With our new ICare Tonometer Dr. Sagona is able to measure your intraocular pressure (IOP) without the air puff. Requiring no drops for its use, the quick and painless ICare Tonometer makes IOP measuring easy, a more pleasant experience and plays an important role in glaucoma screening.

Centervue Compass: Fundus Automated Perimetry

The COMPASS is the first device that combines Visual Field testing and imaging of the fundus (retina), allowing simultaneous assessment of structure and function. COMPASS ensures high accuracy performances thanks to its Real-Time Retinal Tracking.

Fundus automated perimetry is a technique that images the retina during visual field testing, enabling a correlation to be made between visual function and retinal structure.

Advantages of Fundus Automated Perimetry over Standard Automated Perimetry include the possibility to measure sensitivity at specific retinal locations, higher accuracy thanks to retinal-tracking based compensation of eye movements and the simultaneous assessment of function and structure.